Παρασκευή 18 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Mainadrdi Adalberto (a cura di), Paisij, lo starec


• Bartolomeo I, Patriarca ecumenico di Costantinopoli, Messaggio 
• Aleksij II del Patriarca di Mosca e di tutta la Russia, Messaggio
• mons. Giuseppe Chiaretti, Discorso del presidente del Segretariato della Conferenza episcopale italiana per l'ecumenismo e il dialogo, 
• p. Bernard Dubasque, Discorso del delegato del Pontificio consiglio per la promozione dell'unità

Tavlakis Ioannis, «Observações iconográficas sobre a figura do Codex A76 do Mosteiro Megistis Lavras do Monte Athos / Tavlakis Ioannis, Iconographic observations on the figure of Codex A76 from the Megistis Lavras Monastery of Mount Athos


Kolovos Elias – Kotzageorgis Phokion, Turco-Athonica. The Ottoman Archives of the Athonite Monasteries

Gagova Nina, "Per me reges regnant... (Prov. 8:15)". Wisdom in the First Vita of St Simeon of Serbia


«Δι᾿ ἐμοῦ βασιλεῖς βασιλεύουσι...» (Παροιμ. 8:15): Σοφία στον πρώτο Βίο του αγίου Συμεών της Σερβίας  
Το άρθρο αυτό έχει ως στόχο να ανιχνεύσει την ερμηνεία του θέματος της Σοφίας στον Βίο του Αγίου Συμεών από τον Άγιο Σάββα, καθώς και τις συνδέσεις του με άλλα βιβλικά θέματα και μοτίβα, με αναφορές σε διάφορες λογοτεχνικές πηγές, πρότυπα και μοτίβα που χρησιμοποιούνται από την αρχαιότερη σλαβική λογοτεχνική παράδοση. Αναλύοντας τα βιβλικά αποσπάσματα του κειμένου, η μελέτη προσπαθεί να δείξει γιατί η Σοφία κατέχει τόσο σημαντική θέση στον πρώτο Βίο του Αγίου Συμεών και τι αποκαλύπτει αυτό για το μήνυμα του κειμένου στο ιστορικό και πολιτισμικό του πλαίσιο.

Παντελεήμων ιερομ., Προς υπεράσπισιν του επιγείου κλήρου της Θεομήτορος, ήτοι του Αγίου Όρους του Άθωνος. Άγιον Όρος 1914PDF


Cavarnos Constantine, St Nikephoros of Chios


The first volume of the series Modern Orthodox Saints was devoted to St. Cosmas Aitolos ( 1714-1779), great missionary of modern Greece, illuminator, and martyr ; the second, to St. Macarios of Corinth (1731-1805), compiler and publisher of the famous Philokalia ( 1782), reviver of Orthodox mysticism, and guardian of Sacred Tradition; the third, to St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite ( 1749-1809), great theologian and teacher of the Orthodox Church. This volume is devoted to one who, like St. Nicodemos, had St. Macarios of Corinth as a mentor: St. Nikephoros of the Island of Chios ( 1750-1821). Nikephoros was an outstanding writer of sacred poetry and lives of saints, educator, spiritual striver and trainer of martyrs. In this book, the first one in English dealing with this saint, Professor Cavarnos gives an account of Nikephoros' life, character and teaching, a comprehensive list of his publications, and selections from his prose writings and poetry. He completes the volume by appending brief biographies of eleven neomartyrs and other Orthodox saints that are treated in St. Nikephoros' works. Written with clarity and simplicity, scholarly diligence and eloquence, this book will be enjoyed by those who are interested in Orthodox Christian spirituality, as well as by persons interested in the cultural and religious history of Greece during the period of Turkish rule. The present volume will be followed by others, dealing with more recent outstanding figures: Sts. Seraphim of Sarov (1759-1833), Arsenios of Paros (1800-1877), and Nectarios of Aegina (1846-1920). 

Стојановић Велибор, Водич кроз Етнографску изложбу Манастира Хиландара / Stojanović Velibor, Guide to the Ethnographic Exhibition of Hilandar Monastery