Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2024

Pavlikianov Cyril, Acta Graeca Monasterii Karakallou in Monte Atho (1294-1821). The Greek and Slavic Archives of the Athonite Monastery of Karakallou and Selected Greek Translations of Ottoman Documents


Радић Радовој, «Хиландарска звона су утихнула 1491. године / Radić Radovoj, Hilandar's bells fell silent in 1491


Радић Радовој, О боравцима византијског цара Јована V Палеолога на Светој Гори / Radić Radovoj, On the stays of the Byzantine emperor John V Paleologus on Mount Athos


Johnson Christopher, The Way of an English Pilgrim: Gerald Palmer's Lifelong Athonite Pilgrimage

Johnson Christopher, The 'Mystical Mundane' in Fr. Nikon of Karoulia's Letters to Gerald Palmer


Krsmanović Bojana, Mount Athos and political thought in the slavic world


The topic of Mount Athos and political thought in the Slavic world can be approached in two ways. On the one side, it is by perceiving the role, importance and influence that Mount Athos had, as