Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2024

Krsmanović Bojana, Mount Athos and political thought in the slavic world


The topic of Mount Athos and political thought in the Slavic world can be approached in two ways. On the one side, it is by perceiving the role, importance and influence that Mount Athos had, as a monastic centre, on the development of political thought in the Christian Slavic states, i.e. among the Christianised Slavic peoples. On the other, it would be important to answer the question placed in a reverse perspective: what place was given to Mount Athos in the political thought that developed in the Slavic states, i.e. among the Slavic peoples? On this occasion I would like to comment on two aspects of the said issue: the first is about the specifics of the so-called Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian models, which can be traced from the very foundation of the Slavic monasteries. The second aspect is connected with the territorial inclusion of Mount Athos into the borders of the Slavic states and its adjustment to the “domestic” political and ideological concept (the example of Bulgarian and Serbian rule over Athos).