Κυριακή 16 Ιουνίου 2024

Глушац Јелена, Аделфати породице Лазаревић у манастиру Светог Пантелејмона на Светој Гори 1395. и 1396. Године / Glušac Jelena, Adelphates of the Lazarevic family in the monastery of Saint Panteleimon on Mount Athos in 1395 and 1396


This article will present circumstances that led to foundation of thirty adelphates of Lazarević family in monastery of Saint Panteleimon. They, together with nobleman have left significant contribution in estates and people, which is directly testified by donation charter signed by patriarch Danilo III. Part of saved charter of prior Nikodim, tells in detail about monastery’s obligations to adelphates, testimony of difficult times for ruling family who saw her survival in retreating in monastery or it’s grounds outside Mount Athos. 
Key words: adelphate, prince Stefan Lazarević, nun Jevgenija, sultan Bayezid, Mount Athos, prior Nikodim