Τρίτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Савић Виктор, Препис Карејског типика из XVI века (АХС 134/135) / Savić Viktor, A 16th-Century Manuscript Copy of the Typik on of Karyes (AHS 134/135).


This paper discusses topical issues relating to the Typikon of Karyes, drafted by Saint Sava  of Serbia for the Serbian monastic community in the Kellion of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified  at Karyes on Mount Athos in 1199. The 16th-century manuscript copy, which is in the Old  Church Slavonic language and is kept in the Archives of the Hilandar monastery (AHS 134/135), is analyzed and compared to the earliest manuscript copy (AHS 132/134) made  already during the lifetime of Saint Sava († 1236) and the copy from the Archives of the  Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts № 51 from 1620/1630. The paper further presents  a critical edition of the selected manuscript (as well as major differences that can be found  in the other two manuscript copies), as a preparation for the future critical edition of the original text.

У архиви манастира Хиландара чува се, заједно с најстаријим преписом, у истој кожној футроли, свечани препис Карејског типика светог Саве из XVI
 века. У раду проучавамо однос овога преписа према најпознатијим српским преписима – старом хиландарском (АХС 132/134) и Академијину препису из 1620/1630.