Τρίτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Савић Виктор, Хиландарски устав и Монах: електронска писма за издавање средњевековних српских ћирилских споменика / Savić Viktor, The Chilandar Constitution and monah. Electronic Scripts for the Publication of Medieval Serbian Cyrillic Documents


In our environment, there are recognised needs for the electronic old Cyrillic  script which would —as comprehensively as possible— transliterate old Serbian and  old Slavic texts in general. Paleographic analysis included primarily the Serbian constitutional writing, but also the writing of the Old Slavic canon and other specific redactions. Two related writing systems were developed, the calligraphic one in bold set  (The Chilandar Constitution) and the technical one in light set (Monah — Monk). The latter, “white Old Slavic Cyrillic”, is the revival of Stojan Novakovic’s idea to create an Old Slavic script which would differ from the civil one only in its old forms, but not  in width. In its final version, this electronic script contains 1920 single letters and characters, while there are 6397 of them together with the composite signs.